Monday, July 17, 2006

The morning side of love ...

It seems that my life has changed a lot since we met. I thought I knew happiness before, but now I'm just so overwhelmed with feelings that I only can describe my previous state of being as just neutral, a state of being without pain. I totally forgot how beautiful being in love can be, I forgot how many sentiments there are in just one person, sensations that I haven't enjoyed in a long time... and i'm getting a bit crazy sometimes, it's like I can't live without your words anymore... I can't wait to receive your email and when I have it I read it several times. And it always gives my tremendous pleasure.

I have some many words to tell you, so many things to share with you that I sometimes got afraid of not being able to tell it to you in an orderly manner. My mind is sometimes so chaotic... Do you know the feeling that you want to say more than what words can say ? It's breaking my mind...


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